Monday, May 2, 2011

Testosterone: Essential for the Development of Body

Article By: Cristiya

Testosterone is one of the anabolic steroids which are synthesized by the body. Testosterone is responsible for the bone growth, increased bone density, and increases muscle mass in the body. All the characteristics which are responsible for endurance and strength, comes from testosterone. For this reason, it is used as a performance enhancing drug. The excellent testosterone booster drug is one which allows the athlete to perform well by bringing increased bone density and muscular strength. In most of the cities, testosterone is considered to be a form of doping. Hence, it is banned under the Act of Anabolic Steroid Control.

Athletes consume the testosterone orally, through injections, creams and gels. Injections are available as testosterone Cypionate or Testosterone Enanthate. There are some athletes that illegally consume the testosterone boosters for the special day, when they have to perform in some event.

However, the most legal and common use of testosterone is to cure hypogonadism. This term is referred to the decrease in production of testosterone because of decreased activity in the gonads. There are some Hormones such has testosterone which are important for the proper growth, functioning and development of the body. Reduced level of hormones in the body is certainly undesirable. Therefore, testosterone is injected in the body artificially in order to cop up with the reduced level of hormones. This process should be done under a qualified medical professional with proper dosage. The best testosterone boosters are those which achieve the effect without causing adverse side effects.

If you are among those men, in whom secondary sexual characteristics are not developed, then you should definitely take testosterone. Secondary sexual characteristics include growth of body hair, deepening of voice, increased bone density, development of musculature, growth of facial hair, broadening of shoulders. If you have low level of testosterone, then your body will not be able to develop such characteristics properly. You should always consult your doctor prior taking the testosterone.

There are various benefits of consuming best testosterone boosters. They increase the protein synthesis in the body. Apart from that, some boosters are known to reduce the risk of diabetes, osteoporosis, cardiac ailments, depression, and obesity.