Thursday, March 31, 2011

Know more about Testosterone Cypionate and its usage

Article By: Christina

Testosterone Cypionate is a synthetic form of testosterone i.e. the male sex hormone. Similar to Testosterone Cypionate, some other man made substances are also available that constitutes a class of drugs termed as anabolic steroids. Used mainly to gain muscle mass and strength by body builders and athletes, Testosterone Cypionate is a white creamy crystalline powder, not soluble in water. Injected either in the muscles or buttocks, it is highly recommended to use Testosterone Cypionate under the supervision and guidance of your personal doctor.

Due to its effectiveness and beneficial qualities, nowadays Testosterone Cypionate is also getting used for illegal purposes. Improvising the performance as well as physical appeal, Testosterone is usually consumed by weightlifters, athletes etc. The illegal applications have been so widespread that varied testing procedures were applied by professional athletes to detect the illegal usage. In some countries, it doesn't require any prescription to buy Testosterone Cypionate, and it has been ascertained that it is often imported to US and traded illegally at places like competitive sport events and gyms.

Along with this, other artificial and oral steroid, extremely effective is known as Proviron-Mesterolone. Registered trademark of Schering Mexicanna and Scherling A/G Germany, Proviron-Mesterolone is an efficient androgen, which doesn't comprise any anabolic properties. Mainly used as the school medicines to relieve and heal the troubles induced due to the deficiency in the male sex hormones, Proviron-Mesterolone is a useful and fruitful androgenic steroid. Delivering several advantages like better health, sex drive, dynamism, energy, muscularity, the feeling of well being etc.

Proviron-Mesterolone is usually given in the early medopausal lift stages in a man's life. Showing fewer side effects as compared to other steroids, Proviron-Mesterolone can be taken for longer periods of time. This is the reason that muscle builders and athletes prefer to take this steroid rather than Nolvadex or other ones.

In addition, manufactured by Balkan pharmaceuticals, Parabolanis an injectable steroid comprising 100mg trenbolone hexahydrobenzylcarbonate hormone. Quite similar to enanthate, Parabolan is typically consumed by body boulders, sports men and weight lifters twice a week, which is sufficient enough to keep steady blood levels. For more information viist this website=

Article Source: Know more about Testosterone Cypionate and its usage

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Anabolic a Supplements for Body Builders

Anabolic steroids, which increase the synthesis of proteins in cells, resulting in anabolism of muscle tissue. They are made by manipulating the amount and release of testosterone. These additives are useful for athletes and lay people, as it accelerates the process of improving fitness and physical characteristics. Today, society recognizes that physically fit, so that the use of anabolic supplements has become common. Anabolic supplements are most often used to increase strength and isometric muscle size. However, it is important to have a good idea about the different types of food additives and their operation.
No hoes anabolic supplements our body?
Anabolic supplements because of oxidation of fats in our body, which leads to faster burning of fat in the body. The oxidation of fats increases the level of oxygen in the blood. This factor is mentioned as one of the potential benefits of using steroids. Anabolic supplements are also to facilitate early recovery work of the session. Anabolic androgenic additive in nature. Therefore, it is masculine traits as facial hair growth, deepening voice, increased aggressiveness and oily skin to its users.
What are the most popular anabolic supplements?
Some of the most commonly used anabolic supplements as follows: * Zinc Aspartate monomethionine magnesium aspartate (ZMA) is the preferred choice among athletes because it increases muscle strength. Note that athletes in a considerable physical effort and stress. This leads to loss of minerals and vitamins, to be completed. * Tribulus Terrestris is a natural application anabolic muscle improves weight. Increases testosterone levels results in increased fertility and quality of the bone marrow. * To stimulate the production of testosterone in the body using Viraloid. Includes extracts of plant sterols and wild yam. It is also known to stimulate the production of testosterone in the body.
Why considered controversial anabolic supplements?
There are disputes relating to anabolic agents. These were mainly due to synthetic additives, both natural steroids are not considered harmful. In fact, anabolic supplements cause a positive effect when taken as prescribed. However, excessive intake of supplements can lead to weight gain, poor immunity, and damage to heart, kidney or liver disease. Mental disorders such as depression, hallucinations and excessive aggression were also observed as a result of the addition of abuse.

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Information about Trenbolone Acetate

Trenbolone acetate, also known as friction, is the scientific name Finaplix main ingredient, which is widely used steroids among bodybuilders. Tren is a very powerful steroid that is placed in Class I grade. It binds to the androgen receptor and lives a very short period of time, usually a couple of days, which is ideal for getting around drug tests for those in need. Tren is extremely potent, almost three times more potent than testosterone esters, and also reduces body fat by building muscle mass. Train and appetite stimulant, and does not lead to fluid retention. That is why many bodybuilders use the train right before you have to do the show because it is outside the system quickly and requires no water retention. And finally, using train usually leads to a huge increase in the strength of each main lift. Train is definitely one of the most profitable options when deciding on an anabolic steroid, so I wish for many bodybuilders.

Most of the time, Tren combines with a mixture of Class II, as Dianabol or Anadrol, it is to get as many of anabolism. In general, Rail should not be the first coach of the cycles of steroids, but when the alternative is very difficult to get your hands on, taking 50 mg a day is not the worst way to start. More experienced users can take 100 mg a day. Several other courses related to friction in different ways, and the effects of these cycles are different.

There is a long dispute over whether, without friction can be especially dangerous to the kidneys. In many cases it is difficult to determine the cause of the problem, when friction is part of the stack, which is a problem for most bodybuilders. Most bodybuilders do not experience increased anger with friction. effect of friction is comparable with other anabolics. Common side effects may include train high blood pressure, night sweats, insomnia and increased libido. Women should never take train because virilization can occur immediately, even when taken in small quantities.

The FDA is not allowed to use friction to any human purpose. Train was first introduced as an ear implant that is placed on livestock, for help with accounting and law to gain weight before being killed. No later than the coaches have learned that it is very convenient for people to gain weight. Many beginners start using the train too early, which is comparable to teach how to drive a Lamborghini. Most bodybuilders and other coaches who take it at an early stage, later though they started slowly and then use the later train to reach their full potential.

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Clomid-Clomiphene Citrate Usage

Clomiphene citrate is usually prescribed for women to aid in ovulation. In men, the application of Clomid causes an altitude of follicle-stimulating hormone and luteinizing hormone. As a result, natural testosterone production increases.

This effect is obviously beneficial for athletes, especially at the end of a steroid cycle when endogenous testosterone abnormally low. If an athlete refuses to steroids, his testosterone level is likely to disappear. If endogenous testosterone levels did not lead a normal life, a significant loss in size and strength may occur. Clomid plays a role in preventing this crash in athletic performance.

Bodybuilders that daily doses of 50-100 mg of clomiphene citrate in two weeks, testosterone production back to an acceptable level. Clomid to increase gradually the level of testosterone during the period of consumption. Since the immediate increase in testosterone is often desirable, athlete usually use HCG (human choronic gonadotropin) for a couple of weeks, and continues treatment with Clomid.

Clomid is many times very effective as an anti-estrogen. Most athletes are suffering from high levels of estrogen at the end of the cycle. High estrogen levels coupled with low testosterone level puts an athlete in serious risk of gynecomastia. With consumption of Clomid, the athlete gets double-blocking effect of some effects of estrogen, while also increasing endogenous testosterone production.

Anabolic steroids an Observation

Anabolic steroids are drugs that resemble androgenic hormones such as testosterone, strength, speed, strength and aggressiveness. They are used by athletes participating in sports such as athletics (particularly throwing events), weightlifting and soccer. But despite its enormous popularity, their effectiveness is controversial. Scientific literature is divided on how anabolic steroids improve physical performance. Most athletes who use them recognition for their positive effects. Many athletes believe they have not been as successful without them.

There are several possible reasons for the differences between the experimental and empirical observations. incredible mystique has arisen around these threads, providing a breeding ground for the placebo effect. The use of anabolic steroids in the "real world" is very different than in a strictly controlled, double-blind experiment, neither the subject or the researcher know who is taking medication). Most studies used the same dose of drugs used by athletes.